


博士后招聘网2022-12-24 14:05








  • • 成瘾和决策
  • • 神经影像学检查
  • • 大脑和语言认知
  • • 人工智能和机器人
  • • 认知衰老、儿童发育和脑部疾病
  • • 数据科学

ICI的目标是促进跨学科研究领域的整合。 通过跨学科研究的合作,达成共识和智慧,ICI在推进科学发现,培养人才和发展经济方面发挥着关键作用。 作为ICI下属的中心之一,认知与脑科学中心(CCBS)致力于加强跨学科和跨学院的认知和脑科学研究。 通过由神经影像学(3T MAGNETOM Prisma fMRI)核心实验室、脑干预核心实验室、行为数据收集核心实验室和高性能计算核心实验室组成的复杂研究平台,CCBS有望开展高调的研究工作,产生一批具有世界影响力的关键科学成果和发现。 人工智能和机器人中心(CAIR)是ICI的中心之一,旨在促进人工智能和机器人领域的教育和研究活动。 CAIR的愿景是弥合行业与大学之间的差距,具有独特的能力,利用学术界的智力能量,以最先进的人工智能和机器人技术影响粤港澳大湾区产业。 ICI下属的另一个中心,数据科学中心(CDS)积极探索创新合作方式,引入新的科学范式,并通过超级智能计算平台研究数据收集,处理,分析和学习的新技术,以应对社会挑战。 有关 ICI 的更多信息, 请访问 https://ici.um.edu.mo/.



2.拥有博士学位少于2年。 预计在申请截止日期后6个月内获得博士学位的申请人将被考虑;




税前年薪在澳门币336,000元至480,000元(约41,480至59,250美元)之间,将与成功申请人的学历和相关专业经验相称。 目前当地最高所得税税率为12%,但在各种酌情豁免后,实际上约为5%-7%。


1.申请人须于一月 31, 2023或之前通过 https://talent.rsms.um.edu.mo/login/OALogin.jsp 网上申请;

2.申请所需文件包括:1)详细的简历; 2)学历证书; 3)绩效总结表(申请系统提供模板); 4)研究计划书(申请系统上提供模板); 5)五种具有代表性的学术出版物。 请将上述文件上传到您的在线申请中。

如有任何查询,请联络 rskto_umtp@um.edu.mo.的研究服务及知识转移办事处。
澳门大学大学大道, 氹仔, 澳门, 中国
网站:https://rskto.um.edu.mo/ 电话: +853 8822 4210
** 在同等资格和经验条件下,优先考虑澳门永久性居民**

UM Postdoctoral Fellow
in Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Data Science

(Ref. No.: UMTP/UMRAP/UMPF/12/2022)


The UM Postdoctoral Fellow scheme is launched under the UM Talent Programme to attract outstanding PhD graduates to conduct research at UM so as to strengthen the research capabilities of the University.

The Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) invites applications for the position of UM Postdoctoral Fellow on a 2-year contract basis in the following disciplines:

  • • Addiction and Decision Making
  • • Addiction and Decision Making
  • • Brain and Language Cognition
  • • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • • Cognitive Aging, Child Development and Brain Disorders
  • • Data Science

The aims of ICI are to promote the integration of interdisciplinary research fields. Through the cooperation in interdisciplinary research leading to consensus and wisdom, ICI plays a key role in advancing scientific discovery, nurturing talents and developing economy. As one of the centres under ICI, the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) is dedicated to enhancing the interdisciplinary and cross faculty cognitive and brain science research. Through the sophisticated research platforms consisted of neuroimaging (3T MAGNETOM Prisma fMRI) core lab, brain intervention core lab, behavior data collection core lab and high performance computing core lab, CCBS is expected that high-profile research work will be carried out to produce a number of key scientific outputs and discoveries with world influences. The Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), one of the centres of ICI, aims to promote educational and research activities in the field of AI and robotics. CAIR has as the vision of bridging the gap between industries and University with a distinctive capability to harness the intellectual energy of academia to impact Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area industries with state of the art AI and robotics technologies. Another centre under ICI, the Centre for Data Science (CDS) actively explores innovative ways for cooperation, introduces new scientific paradigms and investigates new technologies for data collection, processing, analysis and learning with super intelligent computing platforms in order to meet social challenges. More information about ICI is available at https://ici.um.edu.mo/.


1.Holder of PhD degree or equivalent degree from top-ranked universities or disciplines (e.g., Top 200 ranked universities listed on THE/QS world ranking, or those listed under the Double First-Class Initiatives and Programmes in mainland China);

2.Holder of PhD degree for less than 2 years. Applicants with doctoral degree award expected within 6 months upon closing of application will be considered;

3.Proven record of outstanding academic achievement, including publications, patents, presentations and academic awards;

4.Current UM Postdoctoral Fellowship and Associateship appointees are not eligible for application.


A taxable annual remuneration between MOP336,000 and MOP480,000 (approximately USD41,480 to 59,250) will be commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions experience.

Application Procedure

1.Applicants should apply online via https://talent.rsms.um.edu.mo/login/OALogin.jsp on or before 31 January 2023;

2.Required documents for application include: 1) Detailed Curriculum Vitae; 2) Academic certificate; 3) Performance summary form (template available on application system); 4) Research proposal (template available on application system); 5) Five representative academic publications. Please upload the above documents to your online application.

For any enquiries, please contact Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office at rskto_umtp@um.edu.mo.
University of Macau, Av. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Website: https://rskto.um.edu.mo/ Tel: +853 8822 4210
The University of Macau reserves the right not to appoint a candidate.
***Personal data provided by applicants will be kept confidential and used for recruitment purpose only***
** Under the equal condition of qualifications and experience, priority will be given to Macao permanent residents**

